On the bus ride up the canyon I received a phone call from a girl that wants to set up an interview with me for a job. This isn't just any job though, it's a Cebuano teaching position at the MTC! How awesome is that?! It's so awesome!! Unfortunately I didn't hear my phone so she just left a message, but she said she wants to set an appointment for next week or the week after. When I returned the phone call after I got home no one answered so I get to wait for the phone call today. Of course I posted on Facebook about this and my cousin who used to teach at the MTC told me that when she was hired, her boss told her that if you get the interview then that basically means you get the job. How cool is that? This is seriously a dream come true!
After boarding I had plans to go shopping with a friend, but I needed food so I stopped at Shivers. I'm sorry to say that I wasn't totally impressed with the sandwich I got, but it was pretty good. Mainly the food run was great because I got to talk to another friend of mine since she works there.
Finally I finished getting cleaned up and sent a text to my friend letting her know that I was ready to go shopping if she was still game. She text back that she was and that she would come pick me up in a few minutes. Well that few minutes went by and she called me to say that something came up with her sister and she needed to go take care of that, but we had an awesome conversation that helped me put some things in a different perspective about my life and the way I handle some things. She told me to stop worrying so much about the future, to live for the moment, and if things are right then they will work out. She's right, I need to stop being such a worry wart and just live my life the best I can each and every moment and trust that things will work out.
In case that wasn't enough of a lesson, the Lord decided to teach me again. Since I now had no plans for the evening I planned on going to temple square to hang out for a little bit. As I was rounding the corner to find a parking place, a friend of mine called me up. The conversation was kind of funny and went something like this:
Her: Hey, I'm sure that you are busy because this is late notice so I understand if you can't, but I just got tickets to the Jazz game and was wondering if maybe you could go or want to go. (Reader, keep in mind that this phone call came at 7:15, 15 minutes after tip off.)
Me: Well, guess where I am right now...
Her: Umm.... I don't know... (very hesitant voice)
Me: I'm down town with nothing to do!
Her: No way! That's so amazing! I can't believe it!It was so amazing that things worked out the way they did, I couldn't believe how perfectly things worked out. But then I thought about it and realized that this was just a confirmation of what my friend had just told me on the phone, that if you do the right things then things will work out. It's amazing the different teaching strategies the Lord will use to help us realize we are on the right path. Who would have thought that my first NBA game would teach such a great lesson?
When I got home last night I was in such a great mood, nothing could bring me down. This morning, nothing has changed. In fact I'm even higher because while typing that last paragraph I was called by the MTC again to set up my interview. Next Wednesday will be a big day for me!
Isn't life wonderful?